Bridgwater College students support Sainsbury’s School Games | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Bridgwater College students volunteered to referee and support the delivery of the Sainsbury’s School Games events, which are organised by Somerset Activity and Sports Partnership (SASP).

The Sainsbury's School Games is an opportunity to motivate and inspire millions of young people across the country to take part in more competitive school sport. The Sainsbury's School Games are made up of four levels of activity, with the students from Bridgwater College helping with the delivery of two Level 2 events. Level 2 events are inter-school competitions between local schools. The schools who win the Level 2 competitions go on to represent the county at the annual Level 3 School Games event, at Millfield School.

Bridgwater College students and local school children taking part in the School Games.

The first tournament took place at Bridgwater College, who hosted the Sports Hall Athletics competitions. Bridgwater College students from Level 2 Sport and Level 2 CYQ Fitness Instructing, as well as students who are on the volunteer programme Team BC Activators, helped to support organisers by co-ordinating activities and officiating events. The second tournament saw local schools participating in basketball and inclusive wheelchair basketball competitions. This was again supported by Level 2 Sport students and Team BC Activators, as well as Level 3 Sports and Exercise Science students.

Carly Martin, College Sports Maker at Bridgwater College said,

“The sporting events were a great opportunity to work closely with our local sports partnership, SASP, as well as providing the students with valuable experience on working with and coaching young children in a variety of sports.”

Nancy Murdoch, School Games Organiser for SASP said,

“The School Games relies heavily on having strong leaders to help run the events. Without the support of Bridgwater College and its leaders and volunteers these fantastic events would not be possible.” 

Charlie Fouracres, 16, from Street who is a Team BC Activator said,

“It was a good day, I really enjoyed myself and the kids seemed to as well! It was great to be able to help out with drills and refereeing. Definitely a good experience!”

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