Access to Higher Education students celebrate success! | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Bridgwater College’s Access to Higher Education students recently held an end of year party at The Tudor, Bridgwater, to celebrate over 30 weeks of hard work, studying and results.

This year has seen three students achieve a straight distinction profile, including Kate Dixon, from Wiveliscombe, who studied the Health and Social Care Diploma, who will be going to study Speech and Language Pathology and Therapy at Manchester Metropolitan University. Jessica Hartley, from Weston-super-Mare, who studied the Science Diploma, is going to the University of the West of England (UWE), to study Wildlife Ecology and Conservation Science. Finally Jake Ayerst, from Bridgwater, who studied the Humanities Diploma, will also be going to UWE to study English and Journalism.

Other students have also received impressive university offers including St. Andrews to study Philosophy, Exeter to study Applied Psychology, and Plymouth to study English.

The Access to Higher Education Diploma is a fast-track route to provide students with the skills needed to gain a place on a university level course. There are a number of different study options including Education, Forensic Science, Health and Social Care, Humanities, Journalism and Media, Science, Science and Engineering, and Social Science. Access to HE students who are over 24 years old may also be eligible for an Advanced Learning Loan to cover the cost of their course fees. If the student goes on to complete a university level course, their Advanced Learning Loan will be written off, effectively making the course free!

Susanne Williams, Programme Manager for Access to Higher Education said,

“The Access to HE Diploma is designed for people who left school with few or no qualifications. Seeing these people successfully return to education and going on to succeed at university, pursuing new careers and seeing changes in their lives that they had never thought possible is certainly worth celebrating, especially as they very often have to juggle studying, work commitments and family life. Completing the course and achieving the Access to HE Diploma is a wonderful accomplishment and a first step into a new life for many of our Access students.”

Jess Hartley said,

“I’m proud of myself for achieving distinctions in all assignments! The course in general has encouraged and motivated me to learn and to continue learning. It has also given me an even greater interest in Science.”

Angelina Clerkin, from Bridgwater, who studied the Health and Social Care Diploma said,

“Our teachers have put in every effort to help us achieve what we need and want. I’m so very glad that I chose to return to College!”

Katherine Bowen, from Bridgwater, who studied the Health and Social Care Diploma said,

“The 24+ Advanced Learning Loan was really helpful as I wouldn’t have been able to afford to return to education without it. Because I have gone on to higher education, the loan will be written off. I found this was a motivation during the course to do well and progress to HE!”

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