Football report: Team BC Development vs Weston College 2nds | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Team BC development looked to consolidate their position at the top of the AoC Category three North table with a win over local rivals Weston.

The game started at a frantic pace with chances at both ends. James Annison denying Weston with a one on one opportunity. Only for Charlie White to miss from six yards for Team BC. After the recent weather conditions, the heavy pitch started to have an impact on the game as players from both sides started to lack the quality they usually show.

40 minutes into the game, the home side put a deep corner into the back post and shot at goal, which Annison brilliantly saving with his foot, only for the referee to make a dubious decision from 35 yards away, declaring it as a goal. With Weston surprised at the decision and Team BC disgruntled, the players regrouped and mounted an attack. Some excellent hold up play from White allowed him to tee up Fred Berry, who calmly dispatched a left foot shot into the bottom right hand corner. With the score at 1 – 1 at half time, the game was very much in the balance.

The second-half became a scrappy contest, as the midfield battle heated up. Tom Cowd and Ashley Wilson performed admirably against the Weston midfield three. Their tenacity and tireless running could have been rewarded, as some chances started to fall to Team BC. Going into the final minutes Weston mounted an attack. The referee spotted something in the box and awarded a penalty, which was dispatched as Weston College took the three points, the game finishing 2 – 1.

Man of the Match: Ashley Wilson

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