Women’s football report: Team BTC vs Neath | Bridgwater & Taunton College

The match started with a slightly delayed kick off, which didn't allow Team BTC to get out the blocks the way they wanted. Still in coach mode and under a lot of pressure in the first 20 mins where Neath created a lot of chances coming from their left winger.

As a result Team BTC found themselves 1 – 0 down from a sliced cross that took everyone by surprised, there were some good chances from set pieces and an opportunity to get BTC level again but the connection from Lucy saw her off balance and miss the target.

At half time BTC talked about what needed to be improve and tweaked the formation and changed a couple of personnel.

Second half saw BTC with more of an attacking style of football, with Chelsea, Leonie and Lucy up top causing the Neath back line all sorts of trouble! With BTC pressing hard and winning the ball back higher up the pitch with the midfield duo of Nicole and Katie controlling the game. BTC defensive line were incredible, blocking any shot and cross that came their way, the second half showed a lot more passion and desire.

In the last 15 mins of the game and still 1 – 0, BTC had chances but none that were able to beat Neath's keeper.

From a counter attack BTC found themselves in the Neath box, again the front 3 causing all sorts of problems for their back line. The ball dropped outside the box where Nicole drilled a shot that slipped under the keeper to bring the scores level at 1 – 1.

 With 10 mins left Team BTC knew they were able to grab a win, they kept fighting and digging in to win the ball back. Another counter attack led by Nicole saw Lucy and Leonie stretch their back line, Lucy pealed out wide dragging her player with her which allowed Nicole to travel with the ball. Nicole saw her space and launched a shot from 25 yards out which the Neath keeper could only watch go over her head.

Confidence was running high and the girls deserved to be in front, the aim was to just keep possession and see out the game. From nowhere Nicole got on the ball in the centre circle looking up, seeing the Neath keeper off her line, she pulled of a shot from just inside her own half which took BTC up to 3 – 1.

Nic Cousins said,

“Today's game was incredible. The commitment shown by the girls especially in the second half was a pleasure to watch. We played some great football and Nicole's hat trick was top class. Johno made some outstanding blocks and saves to keep us in the game as well as our back 3. Everyone should be pleased of their performance today as it was a complete team effort to pull it back to a 3 – 1 win.”

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