Students graduate from Pathways to Law programme | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Two A Level students from Bridgwater & Taunton College were among 29 students from across the South West to recently graduate from the Pathways to Law programme, a national project which aims to inspire and support high achieving students from non-privileged backgrounds who are interested in pursuing a legal career. 

Nikita Austin and Ella Nash have for the past two years taken part in Exeter Progression, a free programme giving ambitious students the opportunity to develop their knowledge and passion for a chosen subject as well as finding out more about student life at the University of Exeter. The Pathways to Law programme is offered as part of Exeter Progression and has enabled Nikita and Ella to explore Law as a career path and to engage in academic and skills sessions, field trips, work experience, and visits to partner Pathways to Law universities.

The graduation ceremony on 26 April brought together individuals and organisations that have helped to support this programme throughout the past two years. Richard Edwards, Head of the Law School, stated,

“It was fantastic to see the cohort graduating this evening, and to celebrate their success with them. We’re very proud of our graduates! The Pathways to Law programme is greatly treasured by the Law School. The Law must be a career open to talent irrespective of class or educational background. The programme is an excellent preparation for both further study or the world of work: it is a genuine springboard for talent”.

The Pathways to Law programme is a fantastic opportunity available to Bridgwater & Taunton College’s A Level students. It is run by the Sutton Trust and funded by the Legal Education Foundation. More information, including eligibility criteria, can be found on the University of Exeter website.

Pictured are Bridgwater & Taunton College students Nikita and Ella with Professor Tim Quine, Deputy Vice-Chancellor at the University of Exeter, and Richard Edwards, Head of Law School.


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