UK Linguistics Olympiad success for IB and A Level students | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Last month, 11 A level and IB Language students took part in Round One of the 2018 United Kingdom Linguistics Olympiad competition. Competitors had to sit an exam paper which consisted of a series of challenging linguistic data problems. In this year’s Round One paper students faced problems in languages including Icelandic, Albanian and Vietnamese!

Only the top 5% of competitors were awarded gold, 10% silver and 20% bronze. 1,650 students took part across the UK at Advanced level, so huge congratulations to our three students who achieved awards in the competition;

Silver – Olivia Manning (year 1 IB Spanish)

Bronze – Elliot Ridsdale (year 1 IB French)

Bronze – Eleanor Western (year 2 IB Spanish) 

Course Leader, Irena Hubble-Brezowski, said,

“Students all over the country train for months to enter this competition so we are thrilled that our students, in particular those in the first year, have done so well having gone into the competition with little experience of the types of problems they were required to solve.”

Find out more about the Languages that can be studied at Bridgwater & Taunton College, as part of the IB or as A Levels, on the course pages of this website, or call 01278 441234. 

Pictured is IB student, Eleanor Western, who achieved bronze in the UK Linguistics Olympiad competition. 

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