BHS Ride Safe Training Day | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

This course is for all riders, from beginners to performance, and anyone wishing to complete their Stage 1 Ride career pathway. Ride Safe is a co-requisite of the BHS Stage 1 Ride award. This course is also aimed at those wanting to learn more about road safety in order to minimise the risk involved when riding on the roads.

Our professional Ride Safe Trainer will guide you through every stage of your preparation towards your Ride Safe Award assessment and sign off you Ride Safe Guide.

You will be trained on the following learning outcomes:

  • Identify the rules in the Highway Code specific to horse riders
  • Know how to ride out safely
  • Be able to ride a horse in an enclosed area and out on the road

Progression Options

We are holding a BHS Ride Safe Assessment at Cannington Equestrian Centre
on Saturday 1 September 2018. (To book a place on this assessment please contact
the BHS directly).

You may progress onto the BHS Stage 2 training course once you have completed this course.

Course Summary

Course Title BHS Ride Safe Training Day
Entry Requirements

  • All potential candidates for the BHS Road Safe exam must be capable of
    riding independently at walk, trot and canter.

  • Minimum age of 11yrs old

  • Weight limit of 14 stone

Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


Throughout the week we have classroom-based theory lessons like stud management, horse fitness and training, equestrian teaching and business. I also ride twice a week at College; I have a lesson improving my riding technique on the flat with Gold Medallist endurance rider Jane McGuiness, and a jumping lesson.

Mary Lockyer- Level 3 Extended Diploma in Equine Management

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