Design Technology A Level | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

Product design (3D design) helps you take a broad view of design and technology, develop the capacity to appreciate engineering design, production of goods and appreciate the complex relations between design, materials, manufacture and marketing.

You will gain a good understanding of design theory, movements and develop an insight into well-known designers, and develop an appreciation of the design process from concept ideas, research and development through model making, freehand and CAD drawings to the realisation and making of the final product.

You will learn how design prototypes can be manufactured into the products we use in our everyday lives. This will include the study of materials and their properties, production processes and modern manufacturing systems.

There is a big practical element of the course where you will be working in the design workshop.

Design Technology A Level topics include:

  • Materials, components and application
  • Design theory
  • Designers, styles and movements
  • CAD and design drawing
  • Learning through designing and making
  • Design and manufacture
  • Design and making practice

Additional Costs: All students are expected to purchase safety shoes, overalls, safety glasses and sketchbook, which will be used throughout both years. These can be purchased via the College online store when you enrol.

Assessment Methods

You will be assessed through written examinations, practical projects and coursework. With regular internal assessment taking place as the course unfolds.

Your final A Level exam will be made up of two/three exam papers covering the entire programme at the end of year two.

Progression Options

An A Level in design technology is an excellent route to university in subjects such as engineering or product design.

Other routes include HND, degree or advanced engineering or design & technology related Apprenticeships or employment.

Course Summary

Course Title Design Technology A Level
Entry Requirements

You need five GCSEs in the 9 to 5 range including English.

Attendance Requirements Full-time.
Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


I really enjoy studying here. My lessons have a friendly atmosphere and the tutors push me to be the best I can be. Studying here has allowed me to gain the qualifications I need to go on to a degree!

Myles Fisher

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