English Language A Level | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

A Level English Language is a fascinating subject which will develop your knowledge of how we use language far beyond what you learnt at GCSE. It is ideal for anyone preparing for a future career in journalism, publishing, marketing, public relations, and all fields in which written and spoken methods of communication are important.

You will study a range of linguistic concepts, analyse your own idiolect (the words and phrases you use), along with a wide variety of spoken and written texts ranging from Shakespeare to social media.

Studying the development of children’s spoken language from birth to seven years of age is a highlight for most students, as well as investigating how and why the English language has changed between the 17th and 21st centuries.

You will also have the opportunity to craft your own writing for a variety of purposes and audiences and conduct your own independent language investigation for coursework.

Topics include:

  • Language today
  • Context
  • Language diversity and children’s language
  • English language, investigation and presentation

Additional Costs:

All students are expected to purchase a range of English language textbooks which will be used throughout both years. These can be purchased via the College online store when you enrol.

Assessment Methods

You will be assessed through written examinations, with regular internal assessment taking place as the course unfolds.

Your final A Level exam will be made up of two/three exam papers covering the entire programme at the end of year two.

Progression Options

Students who have gained this qualification have gone to study in many of the top universities such as Bristol, Kings College London, Manchester, Leeds, Exeter, Nottingham and Edinburgh.

Many are studying journalism, primary teaching, media, linguistics, speech therapy, cultural studies and international relations.

Course Summary

Course Title English Language A Level
Entry Requirements

need five GCSEs in the 9 to 5 range, including English.

Attendance Requirements Full-time.
Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


I really enjoy studying here. My lessons have a friendly atmosphere and the tutors push me to be the best I can be. Studying here has allowed me to gain the qualifications I need to go on to a degree!

Myles Fisher

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