Latest UCS and Art for Life project at Musgrove | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Graphic Media & Communication degree students have completed a project with Art for Life at Musgrove Park Hospital, providing artwork for display in the hospital.

As part of the Studio Practice module of their degree at University Centre Somerset, Molly and Bethany have created imagery with strong local connections.

Molly’s work depicts the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance and Glastonbury Tor and is on display in the Coronary Care Unit corridor.

Bethany was asked to provide artwork for the corridor leading to the Wordsworth and Coleridge wards. Her pieces include lines from poems by each of the poets that the wards are named after and maps of the local area in Somerset where they both lived for a short while.

Our Creative Arts department has close links with the art and design programme at Musgrove and is beginning another exciting project with Art for Life, this time for the hospital’s Fern ward.

Find out more about Graphic Media & Communication at University Centre Somerset here or by calling our Information & Guidance team on 01278 441234.

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