Team BTC's Men's Football 1st Team Bow Out of ECFA Premier Cup in Quarter Finals | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Our Men’s Football 1st team travelled to Milton Keynes College to play in the quarter final of the ECFA Premier Cup.

With several players missing from the squad due to a residential trip and as well as some injuries, the players did themselves and the College proud.

Milton Keynes started very well and the back 4 of Mahdy, Kruzynski, Manley and Reed were resolute in defence, with Wilkinson outstanding in goal all game.

The game naturally settled down and just as BTC started to get into their stride they conceded in what would be the only goal of the game with a soft goal from the 2nd phase of a free kick.

BTC’s reaction to conceding the goal was superb and rather than feel sorry for themselves they dug deep and carried on working hard in defence and attack and the 1st half ended 1-0 to MK.

The second half BTC started the brighter pushing for the equaliser. As BTC we’re pushing more men forward it left gaps open at the back and again some superb last ditch defending kept the score 1-0 to set up a great last 20 mins.

As MK started to drop deeper and deeper BTC kept pushing for the equaliser but credit to MK they kept a very tight shape and saw the game out to progress into the semi finals.

Jamie Laird (Team BTC Manager) said:

The players should be very proud of their performance today and also progressing into the last 8 Colleges in a National competition.

We wish MK College all the best in the semi finals and our focus now turns to a league cup final, challenging to win the U18’s league and also AOC National Championships where the lads are representing the South West.

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