Sport and Exercise Science National Extended Diploma Level 3 | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

This course provides an exciting opportunity for those with a passion for sports science. The course provides a clear pathway to higher education courses and the opportunity to pursue a wide range of careers including physiotherapy, sports coaching, teaching, strength and conditioning, performance analysis and health professions. This course also offers a unique opportunity in the second year to coach in the under-privileged township areas of Port Elizabeth in South Africa. You will deliver a variety of sporting activities, support children with English and maths skills, and help develop their understanding of life skills.

Units may include:

  • Functional anatomy
  • Applied sport and exercise psychology
  • Nutrition for sport and exercise performance
  • Coaching for performance and fitness
  • Biomechanics in sport and exercise science
  • Sports massage
  • Sports technology.

Assessment Methods

Modules will be taught through lectures, laboratory sessions and a range of practical workshops. Assessment is through externally marked exams and case studies, and a variety of internally marked coursework-based methods including observations, presentations, and assignments.

Progression Options

Students progress to high performing universities in the country, or you can choose to study locally at our University Centre Somerset where we offer a HND in Sport & Exercise Science (Coaching Science).

Course Summary

Course Title Sport and Exercise Science National Extended Diploma Level 3
Entry Requirements

You need five GCSEs in the 9 to 4 range including English Language, and maths and science at grade 4 or above, or a Merit profile in a relevant Level 2 qualification providing they still have English Language, maths and science GCSEs at a 4 or above. Entry is also subject to a successful interview.

Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


This course has taught me a lot of useful skills like being organised to help prioritise my workload and meet deadlines and communicating effectively which is essential when coaching sports.

Alicia Dias

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