Team BTC Men’s 1 Football Comeback leads to Win over Coleg Y Cymoedd | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Team BTC Men’s 1 Football have made a huge comeback and taken a 3-1 win over Coleg Y Cymoedd.

Several players had games the night before the match, so Men’s 2 players Tom Waterfield and Noah Brown joined the starting XI for the 1s vs Coleg Y Cymoedd.  Team BTC had a strong start, creating lots of opportunities from the first minute.  Ryan Hibbert and captain Mike Murphy’s composure on the ball allowed us to play out from the back to fullbacks Brad Pfupa and Callum Chivers, who dominated the wide areas.

We had possession in and around their box for most of the half, with several efforts coming from Gabe Plant and Harry Durrant using the wide channels, but, after having the share of possession, we went into half time 0-0.

Team BTC had another strong start in the second half, with Ollie Chubb, Noah Brown and Tom Waterfield controlling the midfield despite being overloaded by the diamond four.   After many scoring opportunities for Team BTC, Coleg Y Cymoedd won the ball and countered quickly, catching us off-guard and putting the ball in the back of the net to put BTC 1-0 down.

With 20 minutes of the game to go, Team BTC came back fighting, managing the game well.  We put the pressure on.  Coleg Y Cymoedd won the ball in their box and attempted to clear it.  Ollie Chubb won it back and chipped it over their back line for Acey Mead to volley into the bottom left.

We got the game restarted quickly and it did not take long for Callum Chivers to overlap on the right and put a well-placed cross into the box for Acey Mead to head in, making it 2-1 with 10 minutes to go.  In the last minute of the game, BTC had another opportunity with the ball in the box with an effort from CB Mike Murphy, who headed it to the post, then Acey Mead followed it up to head for his hat trick.

Player of the Match went to Noah Brown for stepping up to the first team from the 2s and dominating the midfield despite the overload.

Men’s and Women’s Football are both being offered as Sport Development Days this year. If you are in year 10 or 11 at school and would like to take part, visit our Sport Development Days page to find out more and register for free.

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