Team BTC Men’s 3 Footballers reach Top of the Table | Bridgwater & Taunton College

BTC’s Men’s 3 Football team has taken on Yeovil College 2s in a top-of-the-table clash.

BTC men’s 3s were looking to continue their rich vein of form by extending their unbeaten run.  BTC started bright with their front two and number 10 behind causing problems with their movement and work rate.  Before long the BTC dominance was rewarded as they took the lead through Jaden Sigobodhla with a neat finish.  BTC kept the pressure on with another goal almost straight from kick-off neatly lobbed into the net by Harrison Hambly.

The game became scrappy and with both sides battling hard.  Then Charlie White scored from a rebound to give the home side a 3-0 cushion.  At half time, the players had to remain focused to task and professional to try and see out the result.  Yeovil committed players forward to try and get back into the game.  The defence stayed strong, with Henry Murrell making a smart stop to keep the clean sheet.

Before long a sublime through ball from Ellis Way played Harrison Hambly in on goal to round the keeper.  The lead was extending, and BTC capitalised on the occasion fully aware that goal difference could be important come the end of the season.

The game ended 10-0; Harrison Hambly 3, Jaden Sigobodhla 2, Zak Rickards-Tilley 1, Sam Gilby 1, Charlie White 1, Sam Martin 1, Jake Brice 1.

The team coach said

As Team BTC reach the summit of their league, they need to continue their effort levels if they want silverware come the end of the season.  Well done lads!

For more information about sport and activity for students at BTC, visit the Sport at BTC page.

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