Uniformed Protective Services Extended Diploma Level 3 | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

This advanced level programme has been specifically designed as interactive preparation for those interested in pursuing a career within a public or emergency service, such as the Police, Ambulance and Paramedic services, Royal Navy, Fire Service, Royal Air Force, Prison Service or HM Customs. This programme also works closely with our 999 Academy to give you the opportunity to work alongside a range of emergency services in the Southwest of England and gain vital work experience skills.

Units may include:

  • Citizenship and diversity
  • Behaviour and discipline in the uniformed protective services
  • Physical preparation, health and wellbeing
  • Teamwork, leadership and communication in the uniformed protective services
  • Skills for outdoor adventurous activities in the uniformed protective services
  • Introduction to criminology
  • Planning and responding to emergency incidents
  • Expedition skills.

Assessment Methods

Work experience is built into the course and allows you to sample the full range of employment opportunities in the armed and emergency services. Previous students have visited military establishments such as 40 Commando, the police and fire headquarters at Portishead and Bristol Airport Fire Service. There is also the chance to join the week-long British Army ‘Look at Life’ course to gain valuable experience and a thorough understanding of life in the public services. Assessment methods within the academic units include two externally set exams taken over the two years. You are also judged through internal/synoptic assessments in the form of written assignments, presentations, practical assessments and topical case studies. Successful assessments will be graded at Pass, Merit or Distinction.

Progression Options

This course reflects the shift towards increased graduate employment in the sector, for example in the police services. The variety of subject areas within the programme provides a qualification that can be applied in a multitude of employment, both in and outside of the protective services sector. On successful completion you may choose to progress to a Foundation Degree in Public Service with Criminology, which is offered at University Centre Somerset. Alternatively, you may choose to seek employment in a wide range of related occupations or progress to a Level 3 Apprenticeship in a relevant field.

Course Summary

Course Title Uniformed Protective Services Extended Diploma Level 3
Entry Requirements

You need five GCSEs in the 9 to 4 range, including English and/or maths. High levels of motivation and a good standard of physical fitness would be beneficial. If progressing from a Level 2 Diploma, an overall Merit grade is a minimum requirement.

Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


I found the entire experience of studying as an adult learner really rewarding, and decided to further my knowledge by progressing my studies to the next level. I’m continually learning new skills and it’s really helping my personal and professional development.

Amanda, ILM Leadership & Management Level 3

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