BTC Student Digital Ambassadors | Bridgwater & Taunton College

January 2024

The Heart of the South West Local Skills Improvement Plan identifies the need for us all to champion digital technology and transform our regions digital culture, as the vision of the future increasingly becomes the reality.

As basic digital skills become essential for everyone at work, BTC have set out to ensure that our young people entering employment are more than equipped to meet this demand.

Our pilot cohort of Student Digital Ambassadors will help to understand the essential skills demands from employers and stakeholders, develop curriculum that ensures these skills are embedded into all levels of provision and champion digital literacy within their peer groups, transforming opportunities and destinations for our young people and those to come.

We are excited to see what our pilot Ambassadors discover and the legacy they create.


February 2024

Following the successful launch of BTC’s Student Digital Ambassador pilot, our ambassadors have undertaken their first few weeks of training preparing them to support their peers in the classroom.

As they progress with skills training and their confidence is building the SDA’s are learning to question the capability of the technology and identify ways to use their new everyday digital skills, capturing these learning opportunities for future cohorts of ambassadors

Today the ambassadors were presented with their very own Apple Pencil to utilise in their development as well as input on our future curriculum and supporting their peers.

Digital inking is an ever-growing skill as we find ourselves in a more connected environment, the Apple Pencil has been identified as the perfect tool to capture, refine and share knowledge on the go.

Over the next phase of the pilot programme our ambassadors will be seeking local employer feedback to inform future delivery and assess the every-day digital abilities of our young people in the region.


March 2024

This week our pilot cohort of Student Digital Ambassadors delved into the world of social media content guided by the expertise of BTC’s very own professional marketing team, demonstrating the importance of digital communication and content creation from the experts themselves.

The marketing team shared their experience in understanding the different platforms and how best to position content for the different audiences of the community.

The Student Digital Ambassadors will now be shaping their new skills into curriculum content and support for employers through work experience and industry placements in a range of sectors.

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