Team BTC Weekly Roundup (28.02.2024) | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Team BTC Weekly Roundup



Netball UCS


Bath Spa 17 – 38 UCS


With players missing UCS had to rebuild their connections on court while battling the rain, wind and slippery court. The Defence were brilliant throughout always getting a hand to the ball for interceptions and turnovers. Attack had great feeds into the circle as well as bringing the ball down to the shooters allowing them to put it up, shot after shot. The final score was 38:17 allowing this to be our 5th win in a row!

POM- Katie
OPOM- Sofia



Women’s Rugby


Team BTC 19 – 22 Callywith


BTC ended their final league game of the season against our friends Callywith. The game started with the opposition scoring an early try from a driving maul from our 5-metre line. BTC fought to take the score level of 5-5 with Young powering through the defence and grounding the first home try of the game and Robb finishing with the conversion making it 7-5 to BTC. Despite awful pitch conditions, both teams stuck at it and put in a huge team effort but BTC took the lead with Schoeman spotting gaps and using footwork to get BTC another try making it 12-5. Callywith crept up within the first half but BTC just still in the lead ending the half at 12-10. BTC started the half strong with Read running a try from inside our own half and use of footwork and hand off giving BTC the lead of 19-10 and Robb with another conversion. Callywith came with determination which bumped their score up, and despite BTC defending for the last 20 minutes in their own 22, Callywith just took the win making the score 22-19.


Player’s Player – Chloe Stone



Men’s 1 Football


Gower 4 – 2 Team BTC


A fast and explosive start for the Men’s 1 creating opportunities and plenty of threat.
Preston Hopwood played a lovely driven ball over the defence to find Brad Pfupa who darted down the line. With a fine delivery across the box finding Freddie Haden who attempted a first time finish but was saved resulting in Eddie Townsend following in putting us ahead. The game was keenly contested throughout the half with Pro Direct South Wales drawing level just before the interval 1-1.

Coming out the second half PDSW started quicker scoring straight away to put them 2-1 up.
However 10 minutes later a set piece deep in our half, Preston Hopwood cuts through the whole team with a beautiful diagonal pass to find Brad Pfupa with a timely run who heads a thunderous effort top right home 2-2.
Frustratingly from our own errors PDSW managed to score 2 goals as we sought the winner.

Plenty to take from the game, positives and learning points.

MOTM Brad Pfupa

Fran Sousa, Feddie Haden, Blake Kearley, Eddie Townsend, Will Singleton Voss, Preston Hopwood, Brad Pfupa, Riley Willis, Victor Matsitsiro, Oscar Dabrowski, Wess Jenkins, Tatenda Gumbo, Theo Worth, Billy Johnson


Men’s 2 Football


Team BTC 2 – 3 Petroc


The Men’s 2’s played out an entertaining 5 goal thriller. Despite missing numerous players due to academic trips, the Men’s 2’s called up a large number of the 3’s squad. They performed well having only briefly trained together as a squad and despite two goals from Afonso Almeida Team BTC suffered defeat against a well organised PETROC first team. Despite the result the squad can be very proud of their efforts and with 9 of the 14 stepping up from the 3rd team it shows a huge progression of the development of the players.


Women’s Football


Callywith 9 – 5 Team BTC


Team BTC had a tough start away to Callywith, conceding an early goal from kick off. This sparked Team BTC into action, a perfectly weighted ball from Barry dropped to Campbell-Farmer’s feet to place in the far corner to make it 1-1. Both teams worked hard to get the next goal, with Callywith being successful. Team BTC reacted to this, scoring two goals on the bounce, one from Mills from a well placed penalty and the other from Barry from 30 yards out after finding herself in space with the keeper off the line.


With a change of shape at half-time, Team BTC looked a lot more positive going forwards. We created lots of opportunities going forwards, playing through the thirds with Mills and Campbell-Farmer getting two more well taken goals with great support from Charles and Puplet in the midfield, working hard to create opportunities.


POTM – Bryony Puplett being the play maker in the midfield, controlling the game as stand in captain.



To find out more about Team BTC, visit the Sport at College and Student Life pages.  If you love playing sport and are in year 10 or 11, you might like to join one of our free Sport Development Days.


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