Blog | Bridgwater & Taunton College
Apprenticeships, Employers

Strengthen Your Workforce with Apprenticeships

2nd July 2024

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BTC's Response to LSIP

Increasing Access Opportunities for Skills Training

14th May 2024

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Computing & IT, T Levels

The Importance of Coding

7th May 2024

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Horticulture, Gardening & Landscape Design

The Benefits of Gardening

2nd May 2024

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Sports, Coaching & Exercise Health

3 Ways Exercise Can Improve Brain Function

1st May 2024

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Apprenticeships, Employers

Transform Your Business with Fully Funded Apprenticeships

4th April 2024

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BTC's Response to LSIP

Local Career Opportunities of the Future for our young people

11th March 2024

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The College

A Hope Filled Day – Kate’s story

8th March 2024

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The College

Queens Anniversary Awards: Pioneering Social Mobility Through Innovative Learning and Partnerships

6th March 2024

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Foundation Learning

How to pave the path to employment for SEND students

28th February 2024

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