Understanding Excellence in Customer Service for Hospitality Distance Learning Level 2 | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

The aim of the qualification is to develop a learner’s knowledge and understanding of excellence in customer service for the hospitality sector.

Unit 1
Principles of customer service in the hospitality sector.

  • Section 1 Understand customer needs and expectations in the hospitality sector.
  • Section 2 Understand how to communicate effectively with customers in the hospitality sector.
  • Section 3 Understand how to respond to customer complaints and feedback in the hospitality sector.
  • Section 4 Know how policies and procedures contribute to effective customer service in the hospitality sector.

Unit 2
Understand effective teamwork in the hospitality sector.

  • Section 1 Understand the importance of effective teamwork in the hospitality sector.
  • Section 2 Know how effective teamwork supports customer service in the hospitality sector.
  • Section 3 Understand how to improve personal performance.

Unit 3
Understand legislation and guidance relevant to the hospitality sector.

  • Section 1 Know the importance of maintaining food hygiene and safety.
  • Section 2 Know about food allergy and intolerance requirements.
  • Section 3 Understand how legal and ethical requirements affect customer service delivery in the hospitality sector.

Unit 4
Understand professional personal standards in the hospitality sector.

  • Section 1 Understand the importance of professional personal appearance in the hospitality sector.
  • Section 2 Understand how own behaviour can impact customers.

Assessment Methods

Assessment are due at the end of each unit. Your tutor will assess your work and build up your portfolio of evidence of learning. A certificate will be awareded on satisfactory submission of evidence of learning for the units studied.

Course Summary

Course Title Understanding Excellence in Customer Service for Hospitality Distance Learning Level 2
Entry Requirements

For Eligibility
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Attendance Requirements As a Distance Learning course, there is no need to attend College.
Start Date
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End Time  
Remaining Places  


I decided to do Level 2 Business which I thoroughly enjoyed which made me chose to develop my understanding of Business and so then I went on to do Level 3 in Business. I have gained confidence, knowledge and multiple skills throughout the course and It has helped me to understand what I want to do in the future.

Ellie Wills

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