Countryside Management Diploma Level 3 | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

This course will help you develop a comprehensive overview of the countryside, wildlife and conservation industry. It encompasses practical techniques, technical skills and core knowledge. This course is delivered through classroom-based lessons, practical sessions and tutorials, and you undertake 150 hours of relevant work experience each year.

Topics may include:

  • Professional working responsibilities
  • Plant and soil science
  • Work experience in the land-based sector
  • Countryside estate skills activities
  • Managing environmental habitats
  • Wildlife ecology and conservation management
  • Countryside recreation
  • Land-based machinery operations
  • Woodland management
  • Identification, planting and care of trees

Assessment Methods

Assessment is through practical work, written assignments, examinations and online testing, presentations and projects.

Progression Options

The course provides an ideal progression route to higher education opportunities, such as the Foundation Degree pathways available at University Centre Somerset. With related practical experience, you could find employment within the extensive countryside and conservation sector. Opportunities exist within private estates, nature reserves, Government and non-Government organisations, charities, contractors and possible self-employment. Roles such as Reserve Assistant, Ranger or Warden are common career plans. Some examples of employers include the National Trust, RSPB, WWT and Wildlife Trusts

Course Summary

Course Title Countryside Management Diploma Level 3
Entry Requirements

You need five GCSEs in the 9 to 4 range including English and maths, or to have completed a Level 2 qualification in countryside management (or equivalent) at Merit grade. Entry is also subject to a successful interview.

Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


I have gained a sound knowledge of so many aspects of the countryside, including native tree species, freshwater fish and flora and fauna, as well as learnt practical skills in things like hedge laying and conducting habitat surveys. I’ve also done work experience with Natural England at a local nature reserve.

Lucy Taylor- Level 3 Extended Diploma in Land & Wildlife Management (Countryside)

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