Computing and Digital Level 2 | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

We recognise that not everyone will leave school ready or confident enough to undertake a Level 3 T Level, and some may need time to develop their English and maths, communication and problem- solving skills.

This programme is a challenging fast-track course delivered over one year to help
you prepare for the T Level Digital suite of qualifications. The course covers core content areas relevant to T Level Digital pathways at the College including Software Development and IT Systems and Support as well as developing understanding of personal career development in the IT sector. The course also includes work experience opportunities, and includes a significant amount of English and maths.

The breadth of content will ensure you are able to apply your skills in a variety of environments for different purposes and will be assessed through vocationally relevant assignments as well as practical application of both digital design and systems support skills. This qualification includes a mixture of classroom learning and online resources from industry leaders including Cisco.

Level 2 students will also have the chance to work alongside T Level Networking and Cybersecurity students at the Bridgwater campus to experience simulated network infrastructure environments and security exercises and challenges.

Subjects may include:

  • Computer programming
  • IT systems support
  • Software design
  • Computer hardware and networking
  • Extended English and maths training and development.

Assessment Methods

Assessment is through a variety of methods including exams, practical projects set by employers, assignments, case studies, and presentations. You may need to compile a portfolio of evidence to present at the end of the course for assessment purposes.

Progression Options

Following successful completion of the core course content, and completion of both maths and English qualifications at grade 4 for GCSE, you could continue to a T Level in one of our Digital pathways in Software Development or Networking and Cybersecurity. You could also progress on to another appropriate qualification or apply for an Apprenticeship.

Course Summary

Course Title Computing and Digital Level 2
Entry Requirements

You need five GCSEs in the 9 to 3 range with grade 3 in English and maths, and a keen interest in the topic. Entry is subject to a successful interview. All students undertake a diagnostic period of six weeks to ascertain their suitability, attitude and preparedness for the demands of these qualifications. It may be discussed during this programme that an alternative is more suitable.

Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


I really enjoy studying here. My lessons have a friendly atmosphere and the tutors push me to be the best I can be. Studying here has allowed me to gain the qualifications I need to go on to a degree!

Myles Fisher

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