Sports Coaching and Development National Extended Diploma Level 3 | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Course Overview

The sports sector is a fast-growing industry. It is currently worth £39 billion to the economy and continues to grow annually. The course will meet the needs of those who aspire to work in sports coaching, teaching, therapy and conditioning or the health and leisure industry. In addition, it will enable successful learners to progress to higher education. The broad study base provides a variety of experiences and the opportunity to acquire knowledge across a diverse range of subjects.

This course also provides an exciting opportunity to complete work experience internationally in the second year of the programme. We currently work alongside charities located in Africa and Italy where students will coach and teach in the local schools, developing and gaining valuable skills that will enhance their employment opportunities.

Units may include:

  • Developing coaching skills
  • Practical sports application
  • Careers in the sport and active leisure industry
  • Health, wellbeing and sport
  • Sport development
  • Self-employment in sport and physical activity
  • Nutrition for physical performance
  • Fitness testing
  • Organising events.

Assessment Methods

The course involves a mixture of theory and practice relating to sport, recreation, leisure and physical education. It includes work experience, residential opportunities in the UK and abroad. In addition, learners may have the opportunity to complete a range of NGB coaching and officiating qualifications; this will enhance their professional profile when competing in today’s job market. Assessment for the course is through a variety of coursework- based methods including observations, presentations, case studies, assignments and synoptic assessments.

Progression Options

On successful completion, you may choose to progress into higher education by studying the Sport & Exercise Science (Coaching Science) HND at University Centre Somerset. Alternatively, you could find employment within the sport and leisure industry or progress on to the Higher Apprenticeship such as the Level 4 Sports Coach.

Course Summary

Course Title Sports Coaching and Development National Extended Diploma Level 3
Entry Requirements

You need five GCSEs in the 9 to 4 range, must be inclusive of either English Language or maths, or a Merit profile in a relevant Level 2 qualification.

Start Date
Start Time  
End Time  
Remaining Places  


I have found the support from the staff invaluable. Their ability to pass on their knowledge and the help they’ve given me with my assignments has meant I’ve been able to reach my full potential.

Emily Rossiter

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