The Diploma in Criminology is the perfect qualification if you are interested in all things criminal and are considering a career within the criminal justice system. The qualification involves the study of criminal behaviour and its effects, patterns of crime, criminal statistics and various processes within the criminal justice system. The subject draws together criminal aspects of psychology, law and sociology in seeking answers to academic and societal questions, such as what causes criminal behaviour, what is the effect of crime on society and how crime has changed in the last 100 years. The Diploma is taken in place of an A Level and therefore should be taken alongside two other subjects. It works particularly well with the humanities subjects.
The Diploma involves study of four mandatory units:
Entry Requirements
You need five GCSEs in the 9 to 5 range including English.
Assessment Methods
The assessment is 50% external examination and 50% controlled assessment.
Additional Costs
You are expected to buy a course textbook which is around £25 and can be purchased via the College online store when you enrol.
Progression Options
This course is designed for any student who is considering a career within the criminal justice system or criminology as a topic for further study. It is important to note that this qualification is not recognised by all universities, particularly the most elite, so this course may not be suitable for all students undertaking an A Level programme.
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