January 2024

In response to the Heart of the South West’s Local Skills Improvement Plan, BTC aim to demonstrate to employers of the region, how technology could be easily adopted to encourage a more inclusive and diverse workforce.

The region has an ever growing demand for skilled workers across priority sectors such as Energy and Engineering with just as strong demand to support its thriving tourism economy.

BTC is keen to show how integrating accessible technology into standard workplace practices can help transform the lives of young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and support them with various careers. This approach not only expands the talent pool for recruitment but also addresses the shortage of skilled workers.

This week, students from BTC’s Foundation Learning department, were tasked this week by David Maguire of Bailey Digital Classroom to explore readily available technology and really put it to the test, identify the benefits it provides to them as individuals and how this could support them into sustained meaningful employment.

David concluded the launch by announcing to the students that they will have the opportunity to present their project outcomes directly to regional employers. This exercise aims to inspire them to consider innovative ways to address the skilled positions these employers are looking to fill.

This is a fantastic opportunity for our learners and employers of the region to understand how pivotal technology can be for inclusive careers.



February 2024

The first four weeks of BTC’s Digital for All project has seen learners identifying different opportunities to improve their skills development through self evaluation and a deeper understanding of employment opportunities in our community.

Equipped with their own development plans and high aspirations for their careers, learners were this week presented with their own personal use iPad, to explore and test the range of immersive accessibility features demonstrating their vast potential in gaining sustainable and meaningful employment.

Learners are busily preparing their presentations on the transformational impact the technology has had and will have on their education and employment, to be delivered to an external network of employers from our community in late March.

Staff from BTC’s Foundation Learning department will soon follow suit, developing a connected one device department within the organisation.



March 2024

Our Foundation Learners have really embraced technology through the HotSW Local Skills Improvement Fund, demonstrating innovation through the text-to-speech tools and the immersive camera reader; generating audio from text in photos.

The feedback from the student groups has been really positive as confidence, accessibility and productivity improves each day.

Their focus is now on integrating iPads into work placements. They’re using apps to create video and audio diaries, reflecting on their experiences and tasks for the day.

Alongside capturing information, they are championing digital communication with their workplace coordinators to unlock the full potential of their placements.



March 2024

An audience of employers could not hide from the transformational impact of BTC’s Digital for All project funded through the Local Skills Improvement Fund.

At the launch of this project David Maguire of Bailey Digital Classroom set BTC’s Foundation Learning students the challenge of reporting how technology has helped their confidence and skills ready for employment and they responded with full power.

David commented on their presentation afterwards, “Honestly one of the proudest moments I’ve had working in Ed Tech”

BTC Students, Anton and Matt presented on behalf of their colleagues providing examples of apps, accessibility features and information capturing that has changed the way our students approach their every day life. Their presentation included videos, pictures, voice recordings and QR codes all created using their iPad device.

There was an overwhelming feeling of the impact technology can have on creating a more inclusive working environment for a diverse and supported workforce;

“It really highlights the barriers and inaccessibility both education and the work place has for certain young people and these digital tools could be the start of the solution.” Rob Morrish – Somerset Careers Hub

“Enabling and revolutionary.” Paul Titmuss – Bristol Website Design

“It’s opening doors into careers which is fantastic.” Lizzie Tottle – Teapot Creative

“Opportunity for students to succeed.” Steve Kemmery – University of Cambridge

“It provides the missing piece of the puzzle to enable them to access work on an equity basis.” Donna Brown – EDF Hinkley Point C


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