January 2024

A fantastic opportunity to welcome Bennamanns to the Cannington Campus Rodway Farm, their expertise and working knowledge came into full force as we toured our working farm.

In response to the Heart of the South West’s (HotSW) Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP), BTC have identified Rodway Farm as an area for significant investment and innovation as we aspire to support clean energy. The HotSW LSIP has identified Agri-Tech and Energy as key priorities for the region, emphasising the need to provide training for future skills. This is especially crucial given the rapid advancements in technology and the growing consideration of environmental impacts on agriculture in Somerset.

Our initial steps are to understand how our current processes of the farm operate and identify the best opportunity to capture, treat and process the natural energy sources that are otherwise going unutilised.

Our strategy for this project involves a building block approach, understanding what can be achieved through each phase and step of the process, before moving onto the next stage of development. Bennamanns are passionate about demonstrating the different levels of solution to our shared vision of clean energy.

The outcome of this project will not only provide BTC with a farming operation that is both more sustainable and efficient, but also offer valuable insights into implementing an energy solution while maintaining compliance and milk production. This practical experience will transform the lives of our students and wider community by equipping the future generations with the necessary skills for the modern farms of the not-too-distant future.

July 2024

Our collaboration with Bennaman’s has grown from strength to strength as we respond to the Local Skills Improvement Plan’s Energy priority.

So far the project has seen a number of on site reviews assessing the most effective approach to sustainable working at Rodway farm and identifying the skills opportunities each of those bring.

We are set to proceed with refurbishment works to the slurry lagoon at Rodway Farm utilising Bennamann technology to ensure BTC see a transformational impact to its farming operation and enriching our curriculum offer directly, with industry influence.

A detailed review of the farm operation has taken place making use of satellite technology to assess and plan the different phases of this project; this industry is evolving rapidly with digital skills now making their way into Agriculture and the industry driving this progress. What an exciting opportunity for our learners and our stakeholders to be part of.

As planning comes together for the supporting enabling works we continue to take influence from our industry partners around environmental compliance, safe working and our sustainable legacy.

November 2024

We have received fantastic support with the Slurry Lagoon project at Rodway Farm, connections through the Local Skills Improvement Plan have pulled upon expertise from across the region and as a result introduced Mike Goff to our collaboration.

Mike will support BTC with the agricultural planning requirements and compliance an infrastructure project like this will require. Through Mike’s engagement at BTC we have welcomed surveyors to the site to conduct a topographical survey of the operating farm land which will be used to determine parameters and requirements in the latter stages of the compliance process.

To date this project has uncovered skills development needs in farm behaviour, land and rainwater management and interpreting data which will influence the development and future delivery of BTC’s land based provision.

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