BTC work closely with our partners to deliver flexible approaches to learning, enhancing our curriculum with the support of leading education technology. Over the past two years we have seen a considerable investment in our own digital infrastructure and are able to deliver seamlessly in both a traditional classroom and virtual learning environment. Our flexible approach to delivery allows you to choose an apprenticeship model that works for you and your organisation.
Mindful Education's online professional courses allow students to choose how, when and where they want to study. Courses can be accessed on mobile, tablet or desktop and students also attend college regularly, where their learning is supported through group exercises and classroom-based learning with an experienced tutor. Levy-paying employers can access levy funds to pay for the programme, and online study counts towards the 20% off-the-job requirement, delivering tangible results and minimising disruption in the workplace.
Find out more about our AAT Part-time courses and Apprenticeships available to study.
Learn moreThe Online and On Campus approach is particularly popular with employers, as it gives students the flexibility to fit learning into their work schedule and can mean that apprentices spend less time travelling.
Online video lectures are available on demand, and can be accessed from a phone, tablet or computer – allowing students to choose how, when and where they want to study. Lessons last for around 45 minutes and use motion graphics to bring concepts to life, alongside exercises, interactive case studies and analytical tools to further enhance the learning experience.
On Campus, students continue to bene t from regular classes – without having to commit to multiple evenings each week. College tutors discuss what has been learnt during online study and provide guidance on progress and assessment. Discussion and debate with classmates will help to apply theories to real-life workplace situations and reinforce learning.
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