A Level Student Wins Silver in BBC Young Reporter of the Year Competition | Bridgwater & Taunton College

A Bridgwater & Taunton College A Level student, Ryan Skone, has recently won silver in the BBC Young Reporter of the Year competition. Ryan was one of 30 young people chosen from over 2,000 entries to produce his own news report, which will feature across the BBC.

The finalists were recognised at a special awards ceremony at BBC Broadcasting House where Ryan was awarded silver in recognition of his entry’s originality and editorial merit. The BBC Young Reporter competition gives young people a unique chance to tell their story on TV, radio, online or on social media with the help of BBC journalists, producers and programme makers.

Ryan, a former pupil at Bridgwater College Academy, said:

I really enjoyed working with the BBC. I worked with Ashleigh John-Baptiste and created a news story around young refereeing which will go out on TV and I will hopefully be on Radio 5 Live too.

Gerardine McHugh-Soliman, Course Leader for A Levels said:

Ryan is a focused and contentious student and an absolute joy to teach and tutor. I am very proud of him for winning silver in the competition.

If you would like more information about studying A Levels at Bridgwater & Taunton College, please contact our Information and Guidance team on 01278 441234, or visit www.btc.ac.uk.

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