Bridgwater & Taunton College Access to Higher Education students went the extra mile for Taunton Association for the Homeless’ Christmas Shoebox Appeal this week, donating nearly 50 presents.
The Bridgwater based group of 50 adult learners, all of whom are studying to prepare for Higher Education, worked together to support the Taunton Homeless Association’s appeal for Christmas presents to help support homeless people in the local area. The students all voted to support this cause, donating boxes and gift bags (including some from their friends and family) to provide warm hats, gloves, toiletries and treats for those with nowhere to live.

The College has supported a range of charities every year as part of its annual RAG Day appeal, but this was something the adult learners really wanted to support. One student said,
“I am so thankful that my children and I have a safe, warm place to be at Christmas. Not everyone is so lucky and it’s great to help, even in a small way.”
Pam Jones, Curriculum Manager for Access to HE at Bridgwater & Taunton College, said,
“The response from these students was outstanding. They really embraced the idea and made a fantastic contribution to support a very important cause. We all hope this raises the profile of Taunton Association for the Homeless’ work and encourages others to give something to help.”
If you would like to help the homeless, please contact Taunton Association for the Homeless on 01823 271326 or email or visit their website at