An Agricultural Management student at Bridgwater College’s Cannington Centre is among the finalists for the prestigious Royal Association of British Dairy Farmers (RABDF) De Lacy ‘Dairy Student of the Year’.
Hannah Davis, whose ambition is to manage a dairy herd, completed an essay offering business advice for the future of a 120 dairy cow unit managed by a farmer and his daughter. The 31 entries were judged by Mike King, Vice Chairman of RABDF, William Westacott, RABDF Council Member and John Davies, Managing Director of De Lacy Executive, who selected six semi-finalists. The final took place in London where students were asked to give a presentation on ‘The UK Dairy Industry in the Next 10 Years’.

Hannah, who is currently studying the Certificate in Higher Education in Agricultural Management at the College said,
“Arriving at the finals and meeting the other finalists was inspiring and discussing my ideas with the judges was a real confidence booster. I’m determined to continue my studies to gain qualifications and knowledge before assuming responsibility for a herd. I am excited for the future, both my own career and the future of the dairy sector.”
John Davies, Founder of De Lacy Executive added,
“It is so rewarding to experience the passion and commitment of these students to the dairy industry. Wise will be those employers who recognise their value in providing positive solutions to their dairy businesses. British dairying is one segment of a global growth phenomenon and I hope the competition entrants will harness their enthusiasm to explore dairy farming in other countries to bring best practice to Britain’s industry.”
Nick Everington, RABDF Chief Executive said,
“Rewarding success and achievement, and promoting career opportunities in the dairy sector are key activities for our association. This particular award helps to identify some of the most intelligent and highly motivated youngsters who we are confident will help to secure the future for British dairy farming.”