Advanced manufacturing engineering apprentice, Ben Makin, has been supported by Bridgwater & Taunton College throughout his years as a student and as an apprentice at Cavendish Nuclear Ltd.

Ben has been a BTC higher level apprentice since 2012, after he completed a level 3 BTEC qualification with the College.

Due to the positive relationship that Ben had with the College he decided to continue studying with us. However, he decided to go down the route of becoming a higher level apprentice instead of staying on as a full time student. This has helped to reach his goals in his career path and also develop his skills and knowledge of engineering.

Choosing the apprenticeship pathway offers many benefits to students. This can be a better fit for individuals that want a less traditional route of learning.

Compared to the “traditional” academic route into engineering, the apprenticeship has given me the on the job learning experience. This has allowed me to develop towards becoming a professional engineer. One particular benefit I have gained from the apprenticeship is the practical skills which are taught on the workshop modules in the first year. This gave me an insight into the fabrication, manufacture and forming processes that improved my design and engineering skills. Being in an apprenticeship this early in my life has also allowed me to make greater progress into the Chartered Engineer application process.

Ben has been working as an apprentice as Cavendish Nuclear Ltd. They, along with the support of BTC, have been able to offer progression and development during the apprenticeship. Ben is now going on to study his Masters in Mechanical engineering. He has decided to follow this path after successfully graduating from his foundation degree and his Bachelor’s degree with a 1st class honors.

The apprenticeship gave me the ability to become professionally registered with the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) as an Engineering Technician. Cavendish Nuclear Ltd. is now supporting my studies towards a Masters in Mechanical engineering with the career aspiration of becoming a Chartered Engineer with the IMechE, and becoming a principal engineer or engineering manager with an engineering bias.

Due to this successful apprenticeship, Ben has been able to complete his studies whilst gaining valuable on the job experience. He has also been able to develop his skills and learn on the job and has learnt through trial and error and having support on hand to help him learn. Ben has an incredible opportunity working with Cavendish Nuclear ltd and plans to continue working with them to reach his career aspirations.

I highly recommend the degree apprenticeship route. It has given me the practical working experience I needed alongside degree level education. The main piece of advice I would give to others looking to progress through this route is‚Ķ “If in doubt, ask”. There is no such thing as a stupid question and asking questions is the best way to learn.

If you would like any more information regarding degree apprenticeships with BTC, call 01278 441234. Alternatively, click the link:


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