BTC Activators set to volunteer at national sports event | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Six students from Bridgwater & Taunton College have been selected to volunteer at the AoC Sport National Championships at the University of Nottingham in April. This is the largest annual student sporting event in the UK, with nearly 1,700 college students taking part. The students will get first-hand experience of working alongside a national sports organisation delivering a major UK event. This will look fantastic on their university and job applications.

All six students are part of the BTC Activator programme. They work alongside the BTC Active team to support the College’s Sport England-funded Tackling Inactivity Project. The programme delivers regular workshops in partnership with local sports governing bodies such as the Somerset FA, SASP and Somerset Cricket Board. The workshops support growth and the development of communication skills, teamwork and leadership – qualities that are vital for a career in Sports Development and Coaching.

Nathan Dyte (Tackling Inactivity Project Lead) said,

This is a fantastic opportunity for the students to experience how a large scale sports event is delivered. It will further develop their knowledge and skills. To have six students chosen from over 100 applicants shows the strength of the College’s volunteering opportunities, which are open to all students alongside their studies.”

Find out more about BTC Active here.

Pictured (left to right); Freya Kelley, Rebecca Smith, Jess Bull and Georgia Yarde
Not pictured; Connor Tolland and Will Hopkins

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