Christmas Stay and Play with Mama Bears Nursery | Bridgwater & Taunton College

T Level and T Level Transition students studying Education and Childcare held a gingerbread themed stay and play alongside Mama Bears Nursery at the BTC Taunton campus.

The students organised the event to bring some Christmas excitement to the children and gain experience to support their course and future careers. They organised a variety of activities including role play, arts and crafts and water play.

Mama Bears’ Nursey said,

We were very grateful to the College for wanting to engage with us. Our children had so much fun, as did the staff!  It was a fabulous way for the students to put theory into practice and gain experience for when they are fully qualified. We are waiting for the next Stay and Play. One little boy has already asked when the next ‘Gingerbread’ day is going to be.

If you would like to know more about studying the T Level in Education and Childcare, come along to one of the College’s open events in the new year. Visit the Events page to find out more.

T Level applications are open, for more information about T Levels visit our T Level page here where you will find information about the Level 3 T Levels and the Level 2 programmes which lead onto the Level 3 T Levels.

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