Bridgwater College Sports, Outdoor Education and Public Services Department have come runners up in the ‘Football College of the Year’ category in the Further Education National AoC Sports Awards 2015.

Having previously won five national awards for their sport provision, this latest recognition by the Association of Colleges for Sport, once again celebrates and recognises the high quality provision delivered within the Sports Department for students, clubs and local communities.

Jason Gunningham, Head of Department for Sport, Outdoor Education and Public Services said,

“This is once again fantastic news and a greatly deserved accolade for students, staff and our partners and further evidence of the high quality, innovative and sector leading provision we offer. Additionally, I am in no doubt that our ever developing partnership work with both Bristol City and Yeovil Town Community Sports Trusts, Community Clubs, Training Providers and Somerset County FA will further grow and mature into provision that will lead the way within everyone’s respective sectors. I’d like to thank all of our partnership networks for the great work they do with us, as this played such an important role in our bid for this award in evidencing provision across a whole range of communities, work focuses, strategies and initiatives.

“The breadth of elite player performance pathways, coach education programmes, volunteering opportunities, community coaching delivery, mentoring, employment routes, Development Centres, recreational play programmes, school and SEN provision, female participation programmes and community programmes all evidence the fantastic work everyone involved does on a day to day basis – so even though this accolade has been given to the Department, it also belongs to everyone involved; students, clubs, partners and staff – so a very big thank you all involved and an even bigger well done!”

The Association of Colleges for Sport commended Bridgwater Colleges Sports Department on the variety of football based activities and educational and employment pathways students engage within and also highlighted the professional and high quality elite player pathway programmes and quality of coaching students receive within the Team BC Football programmes and subsequent links into age and ability appropriate Club programmes that range from school age Development Centres to students playing semi-professional and professional football in the UK and USA.

Public Services student, Natalia Plywacz, was also nominated in the category of ‘Inspirational Student of the Year’ for her incredible volunteering commitment through her involvement with the Team BC Activators (Bridgwater College Sport student management team). Natalia has dedicated over 100 hours this academic year which has encouraged non-sport students to be physically active. As well as this, Natalia is also part of the National AoC Sport Student Management Team which required her to organise and deliver at national events.

There are still places left if you want to be part of Team BC sport or apply to study a sports related study programme in September 2015 so please contact for more information to be part of the best College Sports provision in the region.

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