Eight talented students from Bridgwater College’s Cannington Centre have been awarded Land-based Scholarships with numerous employers from across the South West.
Bridgwater College, in collaboration with Coombe Farm, Cricketer Farm, Magnox, Micron Bio-Systems, Synergy Farm Health, Thatchers, University of Exeter and Wessex Water, is offering sponsorship packages for students studying courses in Agriculture, Horticulture and Fisheries Management.

Scholarships are a great way to help a student further his or her career as a result of a financial award to support their studies. Each scholarship is worth up to £500 and will entitle the student to a work placement with their sponsor for up to 200 hours per year. Most importantly, the unique scheme enables students to develop their employability skills and form meaningful relationships with employers and businesses who could potentially look to employ them afterwards.

The success of the College’s Scholarship programme was shown last year when Bridgwater College student Jack Armstrong was offered a job at Thatcher’s Cider after his placement and his College course finished last summer. Jack said,
“The scholarship has been invaluable in terms of the experience I have gained. It was hard work at times, involving long days and early starts, but the hard work has paid off as I have been offered and accepted a summer job in primary processing.”

Student Lucy Wilkins, from Langport, was also awarded a Scholarship from Synergy Farm Health, Lucy said,
“With this scholarship I will gain new skills which I will be able to utilise in everyday roles on the farm and also within my studies. Being awarded this Scholarship means I will be able to increase my knowledge and understanding within the dairy industry.”
Jeremy Kerswell, Head of Land-based, Sports and Services said,
“We're delighted to have extended the scheme this year in association with more employers, therefore enabling a greater number of our students to benefit. It can have a significant impact on the progress and development of the students involved, whilst also allowing employers to get closer to their future workforce.”
Employers are also finding offering Scholarships can benefit their organisation. Mark Cox, Sales Manager, Micron Bio-Systems in Bridgwater said,
“Our experience of the Scholarship has to date, been nothing but positive. The quality of the student candidates combined with their commitment and enthusiasm has provided an added resource for our business, whilst providing the students real time practical experience in a dynamic corporate environment.”
Employers wishing to know more about how you can help to support a student next year please contact Laura Oxbrough on 01278 655109.