Exeter Match Report | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Star man Olie Hucker adapted well to the conditions and had an outstanding game in a back three, finishing the final twenty minutes in centre midfield, where he continued his fine form.

After a frantic start from both teams on a very hard, bobbly pitch, it was always going to be hard for Team BTC to bring the ball down and play their usual passing game.

It was Exeter who took the lead on ten minutes from a deep free kick which wasn't cleared properly. From the second phase Exeter picked the ball up and delivered a good finish from outside the box. 

After this set-back, Team BTC showed good character and on twenty minutes Lovibond received a pass from Male who cut inside and curled his shot into the top corner of the net from just outside the box – was it a wayward cross or a shot? We're not sure but we'll take the goal.

On thirty minutes Winter, whose delivery into the box was excellent all game, put two good crosses into dangerous areas, however Lovibond and Hucker failed to direct their attempts on target.

On forty minutes Cattle cut inside and delivered a great cross, and again Hucker got into a good position but headed over, bringing an end to the half with the scores level at 1-1.

The second half was keenly contested, both sets of players cancelling each other out with the defences coming out on top. Team BTC shaded the better chances but failed to get the winning goal.

Jamie Laird, Team BTC Head Coach said,

“It was another game that the players can add to their football education. They'll play on many pitches that are extremely hard at this time of the season, and will have to adapt to playing a different style of football rather than our usual flowing game, to grind out results which they have done today.”

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