Former Premiership Rugby Head Coach joins BTC Rugby | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Team BTC are excited to announce former Women’s Premiership Head Coach Roy Davies as their new Women’s Rugby Coach.

Roy recently left his role as Director of Rugby at TP15s side Worcester Warrior Women and is currently coaching with Bristol Bears Academy. Roy also adds being Head Coach of Bristol Women to his outstanding CV.

Roy previously worked at BTC back in 2014 – 2017 as course leader of our Rugby Coaching and Performance programme, before he moved on to take up a full time role at Worcester.

Roy said:

I am looking forward to working alongside the existing staff at BTC in order to continue to develop the rugby provision at the College. I have lots of experience in the women’s game so will have a particular focus on that, but will also be working collaboratively with Brett and Luke to support the men’s programme, particularly around the set piece. There is real potential for rugby both within the college and the wider Somerset area and I am excited to be able to contribute to that.

Team BTC Manager Jamie Laird commented:

This is fantastic news for the College and Team BTC Rugby and will only benefit our players here at College. To have someone who has coached and managed at the highest level of Women’s Rugby will only benefit our players and staff. Roy brings a lot of coaching experience and innovation with him and his work with Bristol Bears Academy will benefit the College and the partnership between Bristol Bears and BTC. Roy will of course be involved primarily with developing our Women’s programme here but he will be working closely with Brett and Luke to also add his expertise to our developing Men’s programme. To have Roy’s experience and knowledge will further improve the already holistic rugby provision that we offer that Bridgwater and Taunton College offers to its students.

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