Students from the Learning for Life and Work course raised a staggering £833.86 for BARB, Burnham Area Rescue Boat.

As part of their Edexcel qualification the students needed to raise the profile and support a local community group. They decided to support BARB after researching and visiting the station, where they asked various questions to station crew.

Left to right: Callum Williams, Alishia Coles, Beth Spratt, Molly Williams and Ben Hallows.

The group decided to complete a sponsored walk, walking four lengths of Burnham sea front and they also held a raffle in College and the Student Union also made a donation. Student Beth Spratt, of Burnham-on-Sea said,

“It is great to support a local community group, I have seen the hard work they do when rescuing people stuck in the mud and as the staff are all volunteers and don’t get paid, we wanted to help.”

Alison Ward, Lecturer for Entry Studies said,

“The students worked really hard on preparing and researching for this project. They exceeded all of our expectations with their motivation, determination and focus.  Identifying local community groups and their purpose, has opened the student’s eyes as to what goes on in the local community and the responsibility that some volunteer community groups have. I am very proud of their efforts.”

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