Local community attends The McMillan Theatre Open Day | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Between 450 and 500 local residents attended The McMillan Theatre Open Day to look around Bridgwater’s newest theatre venue and its facilities.

Groups were given tours by Bridgwater College students and The McMillan Theatre’s volunteers. Usually out-of-bounds areas such as the Control Room were opened up for the day and the Theatre’s Technician and Bridgwater College Production Arts students were on hand to explain how the control panels, lighting and other technical parts work. Bridgwater College Dance students were also providing entertainment in the Dance Studio, showcasing their talent and chorography to visitors.

Anthony Bruton, Theatre Manager said,

“This multi-million pound theatre, complete with a flexible auditorium space, fully-sprung dance studio and multi-purpose training area is the only theatre space of its size and type in the local area. We are pleased so many people came to look around and were impressed with the venue. We hope to see everyone again at an event in the future!”

For more information, please contact The McMillan Theatre on 01278 556688 or visit mcmillantheatre.com.

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