Match report: Team BTC Rugby v Yeovil College | Bridgwater & Taunton College

This friendly match started evenly with Team BTC scoring first through a Sam Villis try and Yeovil replying quickly with a try of their own. Team BTC’s second try came through tight play with scrum half Eryk Luzcka forcing himself over the line.

The try of the game came next with Tom Stephens chipping over the defence from fly half, regaining his kick to finish well and work his way to the posts. Yeovil finished the scoring for the first half after sustained pressure before the break.

The second half belonged to Team BTC with their power proving the difference. Eryk went over for his second from a tap and go, with the subsequent tries being finished by Zablei Zeregbe and Easton Oyekan. A strong run through two defenders to finish in the corner saw Martell Payn score Team BTC’s last points of the game. The final points of the game went to Yeovil who themselves finished well down the wing, with their outside centre outpacing three defenders.

This was a good physical performance from Team BTC and a great response to lasts week tough result against Exeter College.

Team BTC 43  Yeovil College 15

Sam Villis
Eryk Luzcka x 2
Tom Stephens
Zablei Zeregbe
Easton Oyekan
Martell Payn

Tom Stephens x 4

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