Maya gets through to next round of national hockey trials | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Public Services student Maya Fowler recently attended the Association of Colleges Sport national hockey trials.

Maya plays within the College’s Team BTC hockey provision as a goalkeeper. The AoC national trials afforded her the opportunity to represent herself, the College and the country in the national set up. She competed against hundreds of students from across the south of England, and was one of only two keepers to be selected for the next round of trials in December.

Hockey Coach, Sheila Burridge, said,

“We’re really pleased with Maya’s achievement. On the back of some good recent performances, culminating in her outstanding performance at the regional tournament (resulting in her invitation to trial), this is a well-deserved reward for her efforts.  We wish her well and hope she is successful at her next trial.”

Maya added,

“I’m very pleased with my performance at the trial.  The standard was much higher than I expected and I’m really looking forward to the next trial.”

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