Meare Village Primary School pupils recently visited Bridgwater College’s Walled Gardens of Cannington, to develop their understanding of plants in conjunction with their current curriculum. 

Although somewhat blustery and wet, the children experienced a guided tour of the Glasshouse, and particularly liked the examples of plants growing in their natural environments, and how they have adapted their form and structure accordingly.

Students and staff from Meare Primary School at the Walled Gardens.

A treasure trail of the Gardens was also undertaken as an exploration activity, encouraging the children to find different items, plants and places within the Gardens.

Mr North, Meare Teacher said,

“The children were particularly keen to find the skeleton, which was located in the cacti house. It was great that the children could experience plants in their unique growing environment, and they could see the adaptations in a garden, rather than from a textbook.”

If you would like to bring a group to The Walled Gardens of Cannington, please email, call 01278 655042.

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