Millie earns place in England Colleges hockey squad | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Team BTC is delighted to announce that Millie Warren has been selected to represent her country in the England Colleges National Hockey squad, run by AoC Sport.

Millie progressed through the South phase trial and her ability shone in the National final phase trial in November. She was one of 21 girls out of 42 to be selected for the National hockey programme, which consists of high quality training sessions and fixtures against the other home nations’ squads.

Millie is a second year student studying Level 3 Sport & Exercise Science at Bridgwater & Taunton College and aims to go on to University next year to further her studies. She has played Hockey from a young age and plays for Cheddar Hockey Club.

Millie said,

“Going to the England Colleges trials was extremely challenging, playing against girls of a very high standard. The high intensity and fast nature of the trials really pushed me. I strive to play my best standard of Hockey at all times and I am now looking forward to progressing further, receiving some excellent coaching and pushing myself throughout the training and matches.”

Nathan Dyte, Team BTC Coach and part of the England Colleges Coaching team, said,

“Everyone at Team BTC and Bridgwater & Taunton College is extremely proud of Millie. She has always been one of the hardest working players at Team BTC Hockey and this is a reward for her hard work and dedication.  We wish her all the very best for this fantastic opportunity to go and represent her country and am sure she will do herself proud.”

Find out more about the sports opportunities available through Team BTC here.

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