New intake reach new heights at Cannington Outdoor Activity Centre | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Staff from the Business, Travel and Computing courses at Bridgwater College, recently welcomed their newest intake of students when they invited the new group to join staff and instructors at Cannington Outdoor Activity Centre.

Cannington Activity Centre is a high and low ropes course that provides a fantastic experience for all ages by offering numerous team building exercises whilst improving valuable leadership and communication skills.

New starters at the Cannington Outdoor Activity Centre.

The day was broken down into different team building activities, including a climbing wall, spider's web, the giant's finger and chasm crossing to name a few. The aim of the day was to enable the students to get to know each other and develop new friendships for the year ahead.

Abbie Brogden, Work Placement Co-ordinator for Business, Travel and Computing at Bridgwater College said,

“It is important to us as a department that our new students have the opportunity to get to know each other and staff before beginning this new chapter in their education. The students had a wonderful time with many of them stretching and challenging themselves, taking the leap, quite literally!”

One student added,

“I’ve really surprised myself, I never thought I would be able to do anything like this, and I’m really proud I made it to the top of the climbing wall. I thought we would have been in the classroom all day, it’s been great!”  

It’s not too late to apply, if you would like more information about studying Business, Travel or Computing at Bridgwater College please contact our Information and Guidance team on 01278 441234.

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