The Yeovil leather manufacturing company Pittards, recently celebrated their apprentices’ achievements in gaining their qualifications with Bridgwater College.
Pittards re-introduced apprentices into the business two years ago as part of their long-term succession plan. This ensured that staff due to retire were able to pass on their valuable knowledge and skills, so that the company has a sustainable workforce for the future.

Since taking this decision, Pittards has recruited 16 apprentices across the business in engineering, leather making and the rapidly- expanding finished leather goods team. Having re-established a successful Apprenticeship programme, Pittards’ senior management team were keen to recognise the success of those who have completed their Apprenticeships thus far.

Three apprentices, Kevin Drogan, Ryan Coombes and Dean Summerbell received their certificates from senior managers, Head of HR, Mike Fear, Head of the UK Leather Division, Jon Loxston and Head of the UK Consumer Products Division, Richard Nott.
Mr Nott said of apprentice Kevin Drogan,
“Kevin is the first apprentice in the Leather Goods team to finish his qualification, and from the outset has been keen to learn and develop. He has learned every process in the team, including preparing components, cutting and skiving, and has now been promoted to Team Leader. He is also a First Aider, Safety Officer and Fire Warden; he has basically taken on everything we’ve thrown at him, and has shown real motivation to improve things and play his part in taking the business forward.”

Head of the UK Leather Division, Jon Loxston said,
“It’s critically important to continue injecting young blood into the factory. Young people have different insights and skills, particularly around new technology. The UK is very good at making things, and joining an Apprenticeship in a manufacturing business is a good option for those who do not want to go to university.”
Apprenticeships are a great way for organisations to invest in their workforce and manage business costs. From April 2016, employers will no longer be required to pay employer National Insurance contributions for apprentices (under the age of 25 on earnings up to the upper earnings limit). Small businesses may also be able to receive a £1,500 grant for apprentices aged between 16 and 24 years old.
If you would like more information about Apprenticeships at Bridgwater College, or are an employer looking for workforce training, please contact our Business Development team on 01278 655111 or email