Students studying Sports Development, Coaching and Fitness at Bridgwater College have been using their collective knowledge in four disciplines to enhance the performance of young local athletes from secondary schools in Sedgemoor.

The workshops, which were developed by the College students specifically for the pupils, covered fitness, nutrition, psychology and performance analysis. During the fitness testing workshop pupils were put through a rigorous testing phase to look at their physical fitness, cognitive awareness and personality profiling.

The nutrition workshop was designed to highlight the importance of healthy eating and appropriateness of sports specific diets. The group made their own hydration and electrolyte replenishing drinks that could be used during a gruelling spinning session. The spinning session gave students the opportunity to study hydration and effects of dehydration to the body.

To complete the programme, pupils focused on the power of the mind to affect their performance by reducing anxiety and distraction. The students tested their mental ability against distractions during a number of skill drills using imagery, deep breathing and positive self-talk techniques. A majority of the group found they could improve on their previous performance by adopting these techniques.

Jason Gunningham, Programme Manager for Sport at Bridgwater College said,

“The second year students have been instrumental in delivering these sessions which has demonstrated their keen ambition to be involved in the wider community and ability to apply theories to enhance performance. Not only have our students benefitted from putting their skills into real life situations, but the young athletes have taken away valuable information and skills to maximise their future performances.”

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