The College’s new intake of Hospitality and Catering students recently took part in the Feast Food Festival at the Castle Hotel, a busy weekend of food and drink events and demos in the centre of Taunton.

On Friday and Saturday evening the students greeted guests with gin and canapes as they arrived for very special dinners prepared by well-known chef Michael Caines MBE and the finalists of this year’s Great British Menu.

Throughout the day on Saturday they manned a stall on Castle Green, inviting members of the public to decorate cupcakes and chatting about the newly refurbished Quantock Restaurant at the College’s Taunton campus.

Our students also ably assisted the chefs at all of the demonstrations on stage throughout the weekend.

Rebecca Tomlinson, course lecturer said,

We are very proud of how this group, during their very first experience of serving and engaging with the public, conducted themselves whilst working alongside Michelin star chefs. The feedback from the chefs and guests has been very encouraging, and the students are looking forward to putting their new-found skills to work in the restaurant and at external events throughout the coming year.

Find out more about Hospitality and Catering courses on offer at the College here. Table reservations for the Quantock Restaurant can be made by calling 01823 366497 or by emailing

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