Students learn the Ropes, literally! | Bridgwater & Taunton College

The entire First year Extended Diploma in Business course were entertained when they discovered the practical assessment for one of their units might be conducted 40 feet up, at the top of a rope climbing wall!

Not only that, Team building and Leadership skills would also be tested by a range of complex head scratching practical exercises set for them by the instructors of the Cannington Outdoor Activity Centre (COAC).

Bridgwater College Students are indeed fortunate to have an in-house activity course on their doorstep, and this facility makes the perfect training ground for team bonding and leadership management elements of their Business course. 

Under expert close supervision, Students had the chance demonstrate close team working skills and leadership challenges.

Ellie Davis one of the first year students said,

“We were split into three groups and had a go at everything. It was great fun, but really brought our theoretical training to life. I love doing these practical exercises to reinforce the classroom sessions.”

If you would like more information about studying Business at Bridgwater College please contact our Information and Guidance team on 01278 441234.

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