Team BC Footballers Star in Somerset FA U18’s Successful Season | Bridgwater & Taunton College

Team BC Male Elite footballers have starred throughout an excellent season for Somerset FA and Somerset Schools & Colleges U18’s.

Charlie White, Brad Reeves, Alex Male, Owen Sellick, Josh Hayward, Harry Horton and Rhys Hayward all featured in Somerset FA U18’s South West Championship Final vs Wiltshire FA U18’s at Paulton Rovers FC. The final was a hotly contested affair and saw Wiltshire snatch a 1 – 0 win over Somerset.

Somerset FA U18’s reached the final after winning their side of the South West League following wins over Devon & Oxfordshire and that followed Somerset Schools & Colleges U18’s representative side winning the South West Championships after a hard fought 2 – 0 win over Hampshire at Gosport Borough FC.

Left to right: Charlie White, Brad Reeves, Alex Male, Owen Sellick, Josh Hayward, Harry Horton and Rhys Hayward

Fellow Team BC Footballers Harry Fitchew, Charlie Bridges and Josh Evans have also had representative honours for Somerset this season and played a key part in a number of games bringing the total to 10 Team BC Male Footballers with county honours for season 2014/15.

Sports Development Manager at Bridgwater College, Luke Buckingham said,

“We are exceptionally proud of all the players and it’s been fantastic to see them develop as a result of their experience with the county. I’ve got no doubt whatsoever that the games they have played this year have made them better footballers and set them up well to progress in the game.”

Any Year 11 students at school wishing to play sport at Bridgwater College next year please register your interest or ask for more details by contacting Luke Buckingham on 01278 441322 or by email

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