Team BTC Weekly Roundup (08.03.2023) | Bridgwater & Taunton College


Team BTC Netball took on City of Plymouth College. After a long journey the girls had a slow start and the first quarter ended 2-2 after a strong performance in defence by Sofia Dias and Fiona Willmont, who prevented Plymouth from scoring any goals. The final quarter saw Team BTC take a clear lead finishing 17-9.

POTM – Millie Leavy.


 Team BTC Basketball put on a strong showing vs Petroc in what turned out to be another tight contest. After some great individual plays and teamwork, BTC found themselves down by 10 points going into the final quarter. Through some tenacious work by the squad this was reduced to 1 point going into the final seconds of the game, unfortunately there wasn’t enough time for BTC to overcome the opposition on this occasion. Highlights include some great team plays, Ben Rowswell dunk on the break and 32 points of Dom Rose!

To find out more about Team BTC, visit the Sport at College and Student Life pages.  If you love playing sport and are in year 10 or 11, you might like to join one of our free Sport Development Days.

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