The Walled Gardens of Cannington recently donated £100 worth of plants to Cannington Church of England Primary School to help them develop their new Spiritual Garden.
Children at the school have the new spiritual garden as a place where they can find peace and tranquillity. The new garden was also part of a recent tour by South West in Bloom judges. Teachers and children showed the Judges the portfolio of the history of the project and spoke to them about the garden.
Jayne Alcock, Grounds and Gardens Supervisor at The Walled Gardens and committee member of Cannington in Bloom said,
“The Walled Gardens and the school planters were part of a tour by South West in Bloom Judges of Cannington and is a great example of various groups and organisations in the community working together to benefit everyone. We hope that it has inspired the children and their parents to visit The Walled Gardens, and to develop a life-long love of plants. Perhaps in ten years’ time we will see the children come back as students!”

Matt Handy, Senior Gardener said,
“It was great fun meeting the children and talking to them about the various plants they could put in their new garden. We donated plants that would appeal to all of the five senses. This included herbs such as rosemary and sage, as well as lesser known plants such as the electric daisy which are described as having the taste of mix of fizzy sherbet and a nine-volt battery!”

Steve Atkinson, Chair of Governor's at the school said,
“Our thanks go to all those involved including benefactors, governors, staff and their partners, Parents Teachers Association, children and other helpers. In order to complete the garden, Bridgwater College’s The Walled Gardens of Cannington donated sensory plants for which we are very grateful.”
One of the children who helped select the plants, Harry aged 10, said, “It was great fun, it now looks pretty and is peaceful”. His brother, Daniel aged 8, said, “The best bit was getting my hands muddy.”
The Walled Gardens of Cannington have a Plant Sales area where members of the public can purchase a variety of plants; admission to the Gardens is not needed. If you would like more information about The Walled Gardens visit